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Links of the Month (May '18 edition)

How to choose what idea is best (to implement) #

We're not developing our own product. If so, this will be required lecture: https://hackernoon.com/finding-winning-ideas-using-the-confidence-tool-d8f2d8cc2c15

Two branches of the same repo at the same time #

Couple of weeks ago, I had the need to take a look at changes I made into a branch when developing another. I wish I could have two branches simultaneously.

Yes you can: git worktree

Tab switcher follows the Dock #

Do you work with two monitors? Do you find annoying that sometimes the tab switcher displays in one monitor and other times into the other?

Me too: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/107419/task-switcher-moves-to-non-primary-display-on-mavericks

Very large applications (in Javascript 😱) #

"Large" means google size: https://medium.com/@cramforce/designing-very-large-javascript-applications-6e013a3291a3

Rube Goldberg Machine of Coding Languages #

I love esoteric programming languages