* In synth-kit buffers can be generated (with the `gen` function) or
* retrieved from an audio file (with the `sample`) function
* @module buffers
import { isA, OPTS } from './utils'
import { context, samplingRate } from './context'
import { lifecycle, plug } from './routing'
import { load } from './load'
* Create a buffer source (a BufferSourceNode)
* @param {Buffer|Function} buffer - the buffer (or a function that returns a buffer)
* @param {Object} options - (Optional) options can include:
* - loop: set to true to loop the buffer
* - detune: the detune amount (can be a number or a signal)
* - context: the audio context to use
* @return {AudioNode} a BufferSourceNode
* @example
* source(sample('snare.wav')).start()
* source(sample('amen-break.mp3'), { loop: true })
export function source (buffer, o) {
o = o || OPTS
var src = context(o.context).createBufferSource()
src.buffer = isA('function', buffer) ? buffer() : buffer
if (!src.buffer) console.warn('Buffer not ready.')
if (o.loop) src.loop = true
return lifecycle(src, [
plug('detune', o.detune, src)
* Fetch a remote audio sample. You get a function that returns an AudioBuffer
* when loaded or null otherwise. Or you can chain like a promise.
* @param {String} url - the url of the file
* @param {Object} options - (Optional) options can include:
* - context: the audio context to use
* @return {Function} a function the returns the buffer
* @example
* source(sample('server.com/audio-file.mp3')).start()
* @example
* // use the Promise like interface
* sample('audio-file.mp3').then(function (buffer) {
* source(buffer).start()
* })
export function sample (url, opts) {
var bf = null
function buffer () { return bf }
var promise = load(url, opts).then(function (buffer) {
buffer.url = url
bf = buffer
return bf
buffer.then = promise.then.bind(promise)
return buffer
* Generate a BufferNode. It returns a no-parameter function that
* returns a buffer. This way, it's easy to memoize (cache) buffers.
* @param {Function|Array<Function>} generators - a generator or a list of
* generators (to create a buffer with multiple channels)
* @param {Integer} samples - the length in samples
* @param {Object} options - (Optional) options can include:
* - reverse: set to true to reverse the generated buffer
* - context: the audio context to use
* @return {Function} a function with no parameters that returns the desired buffer
export function gen (generators, samples, o) {
samples = samples || 2
o = o || OPTS
return function () {
if (!Array.isArray(generators)) generators = [ generators ]
var reverse = o.reverse
var numOfChannels = generators.length
var ctx = context(o.context)
var buffer = ctx.createBuffer(numOfChannels, samples, samplingRate(ctx))
for (var ch = 0; ch < numOfChannels; ch++) {
generateData(generators[ch], buffer.getChannelData(ch), samples, reverse)
return buffer
function generateData (generator, data, samples, reverse) {
for (var i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
data[i] = generator(reverse ? samples - i : i)
* White noise source node.
* @param {Integer} length - lenth in samples
* @param {Object} options - (Optional) the same options that `source` function
* @return {AudioNode} the white noise audio node generator
* @see source
* @example
* conn(white(seconds(1)), perc(), dest()).start()
export function white (samples, options) {
if (!isA('number', samples)) samples = samplingRate(options)
return source(gen(white.generator, samples, options), options)
white.generator = function () { return Math.random() * 2 - 1 }