* This module provides some syntactic sugar over the AudioContext.createOscillator
* function
* @example
* import { sine, square, master } from 'synth-kit'
* master.start(sine('A4'))
* master.start(square({ note: 'c3', detune: -10 }))
* @module oscillators
import { noteToFreq, midiToFreq, tempoToFreq } from './units'
import { context } from './context'
import { mult } from './signals'
import { plug, lifecycle } from './routing'
import { OPTS, isA } from './utils'
// Create a OscillatorNode of the given type and configuration
// this is a private function intended to be partially applied
function create (type, opts) {
opts = opts || OPTS
type = type || opts.type
var osc = context(opts.context).createOscillator()
if (type) osc.type = type
return lifecycle(osc, [
plug('frequency', getFreq(opts), osc),
plug('detune', opts.detune, osc)
// given a configuration object, get the frequency
export function getFreq (obj) {
return obj.frequency ? obj.frequency
: obj.freq ? obj.freq
: obj.midi ? midiToFreq(obj.midi)
: obj.note ? noteToFreq(obj.note)
: isA('string', obj) ? noteToFreq(obj)
: isA('number', obj) ? obj
: null
* Create an oscillator (an OscillatorNode)
* @function
* @param {Object} config - may include:
* - type: one of the OscillatorNode types
* - frequency (or freq): the oscillator frequency (can be a signal)
* - detune: the detune in cents (can be a signal)
* - note: the note name to get the frequency from (if frequency is not present)
* - midi: the note midi number to get the frequency from (if frequency is not present)
* - context: the audio context to use
* Notice that instead of a config object, this function also accepts a note
* name or a frequency value (see examples)
* @return {AudioNode} the oscillator
* @example
* // basic usage
* osc({ type: 'sine', frequency: 880 })
* osc({ note: 'C4', type: 'square', detune: -10 })
* // parameter modulation
* osc({ freq: 1500, detune: osc({ freq: 20}) })
* osc({ freq: envelope(...), type: 'square' })
* // without configuration object
* osc('C4')
* osc(1200)
export const osc = create.bind(null, null)
* Create a sine oscillator. An alias for `osc({ type: 'sine', ... })`
* @function
* @see osc
* @param {Object} config - Same as `osc` function, but without 'type'
* @return {AudioNode} the oscillator
* @example
* sine('C4')
* sine({ midi: 70, detune: -50 })
export const sine = create.bind(null, 'sine')
* Create a sawtooth oscillator. An alias for `osc({ type: 'sawtooth', ... })`
* @function
* @see osc
* @param {Object} config - Same as `osc` function, but without 'type'
* @return {AudioNode} the oscillator
* @example
* saw('A3')
* saw({ freq: 440, detune: lfo(5, 10) })
export const saw = create.bind(null, 'sawtooth')
* Create a square oscillator. An alias for `osc({ type: 'square', ... })`
* @function
* @see osc
* @param {Object} config - Same as `osc` function, but without 'type'
* @return {AudioNode} the oscillator
* @example
* square({ note: 'c#3', context: offline() })
export const square = create.bind(null, 'square')
* Create a triangle oscillator. An alias for `osc({ type: 'triangle', ... })`
* @function
* @see osc
* @param {Object} config - Same as `osc` function, but without 'type'
* @return {AudioNode} the oscillator
* @example
* triangle({ note: 'Bb4', detune: -10 })
export const triangle = osc.bind(null, 'triangle')
* Create an LFO (low frequency oscillator). It's a standard oscillator with
* some goodies to reduce the boilerplate code when used as signal modulator.
* @see osc
* @param {Options} config - May include any of the `osc` function plus:
* - tempo: the tempo used to calculate the frequency (it overrides the frequency parameter)
* - division: the number of subdivisions of the tempo (defaults to 1)
* - amplitude: the amplitude of the oscillator
* @example
* sine({ note: 'C4', detune: lfo({ freq: 5, amplitude: 50 }) })
* sine({ note: 'A4', detune: lfo({ amplitude: 10, tempo: 120, division: 3 })
export function lfo (opts) {
opts = opts || OPTS
var node = osc(opts)
if (opts.tempo) node.frequency.value = tempoToFreq(opts.tempo, opts.division)
return mult(opts.amplitude || 1, node)