/* @flow */
/* @flow */
Duration is represented with a float (in relative units)
type Dur = number
Abstract pitch represented as a number (midi note number)
type AbsPitch = number
Some duration definitions
export const wn : Dur = 1
export const hn : Dur = 1/2
export const qn : Dur = 1/4
export const en : Dur = 1/8
export const sn : Dur = 1/16
export const tn : Dur = 1/32
Alphabet 1: Roman numeral for abstract chords
type CType = 'I' | 'II' | 'III' | 'IV' | 'V' | 'VI' | 'VII' | 'X'
Many finite base symbol alphabets can use the same potentially infinite alphabet of parameter symbols. Here we define a general “music parameter” or MP for many tonal applications. It will store the current duration of a symbol, and the symbol’s tonal context as a mode and scale root. Finally, there is allowance for keeping track of the onset of the symbol as well as the total duration of the sentence to which it belongs. This allows for checking things like whether the symbols is the LAST in a sentence, at the midpoint, etc.
The “Music Parameter” definition
type MP = { dur: Dur, mode: Mode, key: number, onset: Dur, seqDur: Dur }
Modes include the seven usual derivatives of the C-major scale along with chromatic and custom options. Note that Major=Ionian and Minor=Aeoloean.
type Mode = 'Major' | 'Dorian' | 'Phrygian' | 'Lydian' | 'Mixolydian'
| 'Minor' | 'Locrian' | 'Chromatic' | 'Custom'
TODO: Find a method to add a scale to Custom mode [‘Custom’, Array
A default MP value is one measure long (in 4/4) in the key of C-major.
export const defaultMP : MP = { dur: 1, mode: 'Major', key: 0, onset: 0, seqDur: 1 }
It is also useful to have tests for MP values and modifiers for them.
export const isMaj = (param: MP) : boolean => param.mode === 'Major'
export const isMin = (param: MP) : boolean => param.mode === 'Minor'
Modifier is a function to perform music parameter updtes
type Modifier = (param: MP) => MP
Modifiers on duration can be used to succinctly write transformations.
For example, to halve the duration of a parameter param: MP
, one need only
write h(param)
const durFactor = (factor: number) : Modifier => (param: MP) : MP =>
Object.assign({}, param, { dur: param.dur * factor })
export const h = durFactor(0.5)
export const q = durFactor(0.25)
export const e = durFactor(0.125)
Similarly, we have some shorthands for adjusting the onsets and durations at the same time. NOTE: offsets should be changed before the duration is changed.
const onsetOffsetFactor = (factor: number) : Modifier => (param: MP) : MP =>
Object.assign({}, param, { onset: param.onset + param.dur * factor })
export const q2 = onsetOffsetFactor(1/4)
export const q3 = onsetOffsetFactor(2/4)
export const q4 = onsetOffsetFactor(3/4)
We can also do shorthands that do both things.
const compose = (a : Modifier, b: Modifier) : Modifier => (p: MP) : MP => a(b(p))
export const ho = compose(h, q3)
export const qo2 = compose(q, q2)
export const qo3 = compose(q, q3)
export const qo4 = compose(q, q4)
import type { Rule, Sentence, NT } from './ptgg'
import { newRule, newNT } from './ptgg'
The following alter Rules to do a duration test. Each has a “rejection condition” that will be the condition for an ID rule.
The rejection condition in this case tests the left-hand-side symbol’s duration.
export function toRelDuration (isValidDur: (dur: Dur) => boolean, rule: Rule<CType, MP>) : Rule<CType, MP> {
const { prob, symbol, fn } = rule
return newRule(symbol, prob, (param: MP) => fn(param))
TODO: complete this section
const Major = 'Major'
const Minor = 'Minor'
const majModes = [Major, Minor, Minor, Major, Major, Minor, Minor]
const minModes = [Minor, Minor, Major, Minor, Minor, Major, Major]
const Scales = {
Major: [0,2,4,5,7,9,11],
Minor: [0,2,3,5,7,8,10],
Dorian: [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10],
Phrygian: [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10],
Lydian: [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11],
Mixolydian: [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10],
Locrian: [0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10],
Chromatic: [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
Custom: null
const getScale = (mode: Mode) : Array<AbsPitch> => {
const scale = Scales[mode]
if (!scale) throw Error('Scale not defined for mode ' + mode)
return scale
const majScale = getScale('Major')
const minScale = getScale('Minor')
const modMajMin = (i: number) => (param: MP) : MP => {
clone the param
const mod = Object.assign({}, param)
if (param.mode === 'Major') {
mod.mode = majModes[i]
mod.key = (param.key + majScale[i]) % 12
} else {
mod.mode = minModes[i]
mod.key = (param.key + minScale[i]) % 12
return mod
Basic modulations on scale degrees for Major and Minor systems
export const m2 = modMajMin(1)
export const m3 = modMajMin(2)
export const m4 = modMajMin(3)
export const m5 = modMajMin(4)
export const m6 = modMajMin(5)
export const m7 = modMajMin(6)
P = {piece, P} R = {TR, SR, DR} functional region symbols K = {Cmaj, Cmin, …} key symbols F = {t, s, d, tp, sp, dp, tcp} functional term symbols S = {I, II, …} scale degree chord representations O = {Cmaj, …} surface chord symbols (e.g. I in K=Cmaj)
export type RTerm = 'Piece' | 'P' | 'TR' | 'DR' | 'SR' | 'T' | 'D' | 'S' | 'TP' | 'TCP' | 'SP' | 'DP'
| 'C I' | 'C II' | 'C III' | 'C IV' | 'C V' | 'C VI' | 'C VI'
export const T = (p : MP) : NT<RTerm, MP> => newNT('T', p)
export const S = (p : MP) : NT<RTerm, MP> => newNT('S', p)
export const D = (p : MP) : NT<RTerm, MP> => newNT('D', p)
export const tdsRules : Array<Rule<RTerm, MP>> = [
newRule('T', 0.25, (p) => [ T(p) ]),
newRule('T', 0.25, (p) => [ T(h(p)), T(h(p)) ]),
newRule('T', 0.25, (p) => [ T(h(p)), D(h(p)) ]),
newRule('T', 0.25, (p) => [ D(h(p)), T(h(p)) ]),
newRule('D', 0.33, (p) => [ D(p) ]),
newRule('D', 0.33, (p) => [ D(h(p)), D(h(p)) ]),
newRule('D', 0.34, (p) => [ S(h(p)), D(h(p)) ]),
newRule('S', 0.5, (p) => [ S(p) ]),
newRule('S', 0.5, (p) => [ S(h(p)), S(h(p)) ])
const rn = (ct: CType) => (p: MP) : NT<CType, MP> => newNT(ct, p)
export const I = rn('I')
export const II = rn('II')
export const III = rn('III')
export const IV = rn('IV')
export const V = rn('V')
export const VI = rn('VI')
export const VII = rn('VII')
Grammar from dissertation chapter 4, table 4.2 with optional let statements added.
given a p, map the chords from the array to that p
const seq = (mods, ctypes, p) => ctypes.map((ctype, i) => ctype(mods[i % mods.length](p)))
rRules1 :: Dur -> Bool -> [Rule CType MP] rRules1 minDur useLets = normalize $ map (toRelDur2 (<minDur)) ([
export const rRules = [
– Rules for I – (I, 0.187) :-> \p -> [(if isMaj p then ii else iv) (q p), v (q p), i (h p)],
newRule('I', 0.187, p => seq([q, q, h], [ isMaj(p) ? II : IV, V, I ], p)),
(I, 0.187) :-> \p -> map ($ q p) [i, iv, v, i],
newRule('I', 0.187, p => seq([q], [ I, IV, V, I ], p)),
(I, 0.187) :-> \p -> [v (h p), i (h p)],
newRule('I', 0.187, p => seq([h], [ V, I ], p)),
(I, 0.187) :-> \p -> map ($ q p) $ [i, if isMaj p then ii else iv, v, i],
newRule('I', 0.187, p => seq([q], [ I, isMaj(p) ? II : IV, V, I ], p)),
(I, 0.252) :-> \p -> [i p],
newRule('I', 0.252, p => [ I(p) ]),
– Rules for II – (II, 0.40) :-> \p -> if isMaj p then [ii p] else [iv p],
newRule('II', 0.40, p => [ isMaj(p) ? II(p) : IV(p) ]),
(II, 0.40) :-> \p -> if isMaj p then (if dur p > qn then [ii p] else [i (m2 p)]) else [ii p], newRule(‘II’, 0.40, p => isMap(p) ? [ p.dur > qn ? II(p) : I(m2(p) ] : [ II(p) ])) (II, 0.20) :-> \p -> map ($ h p) $ if isMaj p then [vi, ii] else [vi, iv], – Rules for III– (III, 0.90) :-> \p -> [iii p], (III, 0.10) :-> \p -> [i $ m3 p], – Rules for IV – (IV, 0.90) :-> \p -> [iv p], (IV, 0.10) :-> \p -> [i $ m4 p], – Rules for V – (V, 0.10) :-> \p -> [v p], (V, 0.15) :-> \p -> [iv (h p), v (h p)], (V, 0.10) :-> \p -> [iii (h p), vi (h p)], (V, 0.10) :-> \p -> map ($ q p) [i, iii, vi, v], (V, 0.10) :-> \p -> map ($ q p) [v, vi, vii, v], (V, 0.10) :-> \p -> [v (h p), vi (h p)], (V, 0.10) :-> \p -> [iii p], (V, 0.05) :-> \p -> [v (h p), v (h p)], (V, 0.10) :-> \p -> [vii (h p), v (h p)], (V, 0.10) :-> \p -> [i $ m5 p], – Rules for VI – (VI, 0.70) :-> \p -> [vi p], (VI, 0.30) :-> \p -> [i $ m6 p], – Rules for VII – (VII, 0.50) :-> \p -> if dur p > qn then [vii p] else [i $ m7 p], (VII, 0.50) :-> \p -> [i (h p), iii (h p)] ] ++ if useLets then letRules else []) where letRules = concatMap (\ct -> [letRule1 ct, letRule2 ct]) (enumFrom I) letRule1 ct = (ct, 0.1) :-> \p -> [Let “x” [NT(ct, h p)] [Var “x”, Var “x”]] letRule2 ct = (ct, 0.1) :-> \p -> [Let “x” [NT(ct, q p)] [Var “x”, v (h p), Var “x”]]