Audio Modifiers
npm package

AD Amplifier

A VCA with an AD envelope

A Voltage Controlled Amplifier (VCA) module with an Attack-Decay envelope

Use it to add an percusive envelopes to the synth voices.

import { AdAmp, OscillatorNode } from "synthlet";
const osc = new OscillatorNode(audioContext, {
  frequency: 440,
const vca = AdAmp(audioContext, {
  gain: 0.5,
  attack: 0.1,
  decay: 0.1,
  sustain: 0.5,
  release: 0.1,
// Connect the oscillator to the VCA and to the output
// Start the envelope (start attack phase)
vca.gate.value = 1;
// Stop the envelope (start release phase)
vca.gate.value = 0;


Same as ad envelope:

  • attack: The attack time in seconds. Default is 0.1.
  • decay: The decay time in seconds. Default is 0.1.
  • trigger: The envelope trigger. 1 means start. You need to move the trigger back to 1 to restart the envelope.
  • offset: The offset of the envelope. Default is 0.
  • gain: The gain of the envelope. Default is 1.

Offset is silence

The ADSR will output offset value when the gate is closed. If you want to silence the output, set the offset to 0.


This module is exported from '@synthlet/ad' package.

import { AdAmp, registerAdWorklet } from "@synthlet/ad";
const ac = new AudioContext();
await registerAdWorklet(ac);
const amp = AdAmp(ac, {
  attack: 0.1,
  decay: 0.1,
  gain: 1,

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